
After the installation, Cantiga is operational. However, you would likely want to provide a custom branding and change some settings.


To change the branding information, edit app/Branding.php file.

  • APP_NAME - application name, shown in the top-left corner,
  • APP_LOGO - path to a custom logo image, relative to web/ directory,
  • COPYRIGHT_NOTE - copyright note shown in the footer,
  • PERSONAL_INFORMATION_OWNER - in some legal systems, it is mandatory to provide the detailed information about the owner of the personal information data stored in the system. This text will appear in the footer.

Cron jobs

The following command shall be scheduled in Cron to execute every 30 minutes to 1 hour:

php bin/console cantiga:milestone:update-status

If you want to periodically export the data to an external web service, schedule the following command as well:

php bin/console cantiga:export-data

You can read more about periodic data export in the following page: Data export.