Managing application textsΒΆ

Many texts displayed by Cantiga in various panels can be customized at the system- and project-level. We found this feature very useful in practice. You can use application texts to:

  1. display important announcements for the users of the system in visible places,
  2. display guidelines for new users of the system,
  3. if project members do the same mistake over and over again, it is possible to show a warning for them directly in the problematic panel,
  4. edit help pages.

Administrators can define system-level texts in the admin workspace, in Manage > Application texts panel. Project managers can define project-level texts in the project workspace, in a similarly located panel.

If the project-level text is not defined in the given project, Cantiga uses the default system-level text.

Application texts can be internationalized: create multiple application texts for the same display place, but with different locales (language codes, such as en, de, fr, pl, etc.).