Managing mail templatesΒΆ

E-mail notifications sent by Cantiga can be customized by system administrators:

  1. go to admin workspace,
  2. expand Settings section from the workspace menu,
  3. select Mail templates link.

When you create a new mail template, you must select the place where the e-mail is sent (not to be confused with projects, groups and areas), from the predefined list. The e-mails can be internationalized by creating multiple templates for the same place, but with different locales (language codes, such as en, de, fr, pl).

The mail template content is written in Twig template engine syntax, the same as used by Cantiga for rendering the HTML pages. Twig offers a rich language for rendering the message, but the basic usage is really simple. You write the template as a regular HTML page, with embedded placeholders, where custom content shall be displayed. You can take a look at the default mail templates to learn what placeholders are available in each place.

The Twig documentation for template designers can be found here:

Note: mail templates are shared by all the projects in the system. It is not possible to create a mail template specific for a single project.

Hint: if the template contains a syntax error, Cantiga is not able to generate a mail template, and the user sees an error message. Do the modifications carefully and always test your templates before applying them to the production system.